Keys to less stress and success before your Big Day

The countdown to your wedding is FINALLY in single digits. I know you’re excited, and then inside freaking out a bit. Did you get everything you needed to?

The countdown to your wedding is FINALLY in single digits. I know you’re excited, and then inside freaking out a bit. Did you get everything you needed to? You know you will forget something important! The week before your wedding should be stress-free and relaxing so take a breath and read on for some of my tips for success in the days/week before your wedding.

Personal tips:

No new facial routines: The week before your wedding is not the time to try new facial products (scrubs, masks, cleansers, lotions, etc.). You do not want to risk having any type of reaction to something you are not used to. If you are wanting to make sure your skin is at its best, talk with the person who is doing your makeup and ask for some tips well in advance.

Be careful with dying your hair: If it is a color you have done a million times with a stylist you have been going to routinely, then yes, get a fresh look if they give you the okay. But be careful with trying new cuts and colors. You may not like the way it looks and that is a risk when your wedding is days away.

No new foods: The days before your wedding is not the time to try new foods. Food poisoning is no fun, so just don’t do it.

Sleep: Get as much rest as possible. The day of your wedding is going to be a long one. You may not feel it most of the day, but the second you are able to take a breath (when no one is talking to you, you don’t have to smile for a picture, and you just finished busting a move to your favorite song on the dance floor) you will realize how tired you are. It’s usually an early day and ends late and is filled with a lot of emotions, which can drain you fast. Getting plenty of rest in in the week of your wedding will help you stay alert and present to enjoy your wedding to the fullest!

HYDRATE!!!: This is the most important thing for you and everyone in your wedding party to do the week before your wedding. You can’t always just chug a bunch of water the day of your wedding and think you will miraculously hydrate yourself. Solid hydration comes from drinking plenty of water every day. And if your wedding is in the summer months, you will absolutely want to stay hydrated so no one will pass outstanding at the altar. Plus, the more hydrated you are the better your skin is! (Tip: the recommended amount of water is half your body weight in ounces per day)

Packing the week of your wedding

You should pack for your wedding the week or two before the actual day. This will help you slowly mark things off your list to ensure you have it all and organize it properly for ease of unpacking at your venue. If you are doing your own decor, having it all packed in boxes, bins and/or totes is best instead of individual items thrown in the car. Labeling will save your life, I promise! There is nothing more annoying than wondering where you put the “whatchamacallit” when you need it at that moment. Having a list of what is I each box and what it is for it nice if you are having someone else unpack and/or decorate for you. Some ways, but not all, to organize your items may include boxes and/or bins for the following:

  • Glassware
  • Photos to be displayed
  • Table decor (vases, table numbers, confetti/petals, etc.)
  • Wedding favors
  • Signage (guestbook sign, welcome sign, directional signage)
  • Overnight bag (PJs, change of clothes, extra shoes, toiletries, chargers, etc.)


  • You wouldn’t think I would need to put this in such a large print, but I do. Do NOT forget the marriage license! And I don’t mean the certificate the officiant fills out for you to keep. I am talking about the LEGAL DOCUMENTATION you need to have signed to mail off to your state and have filed to show you are legally married to one another. Seriously, don’t forget it!
  • Speaking of your marriage license, be sure to read over everything once you receive it in the mail after applying. Where I am from you need to have the license filled out in BLACK INK to be valid. Make sure you read the fine print on what to do and when/where to send it back to after the wedding. Also, be sure you know exactly who will be mailing it off for you (if you are not doing it yourself) and make sure it is someone you trust.

The day of your wedding essentials:

You should always pack your own emergency kit for the day of your wedding, however, your planner most likely will have one on-site. Here are some things that you should be sure to have in your own personal emergency kit on the day of the wedding.

Pain relievers: While you would think this would be something that a planner would have loads of, pain relievers are often on the no-no list to give out to people. Their insurance may not allow for it in case something happens as a result of taking that OTC medication. So be sure to pack the appropriate OTC meds, like Advil or Tylenol, for your own personal use.

Tide To-Go: You never know when a spill might happen. While I personally carry one in my emergency kit for my couples, they are not always close by when they are getting ready. Having one with you at all times is a must to keep you looking your best!

Disposable toothbrush: I suggest these, as opposed to just mouthwash, to avoid any dripping and staining. The disposable toothbrushes are cost-efficient, give you the clean feeling a toothbrush gives you and the fresh breath gum or mouthwash gives, without the risk of something spilling and staining a dress.

Crochet hook: Another thing that is in my emergency kit, but handy to have yourself. If you have ever buttoned up a wedding dress you know why I am suggesting this. Those little suckers are a pain in the butt to hook and there seems to be a million of them! And if you just had your nails done, well you can just forget it. A crochet hook is your best friend for this task.

Baby powder and lotion: Wedding dresses are heavy and suits/tuxes have layers that can be thick. Having baby powder handy is necessary for when you get hot and sweaty. And the lotion is nice if you find that your skin is looking a little ashy. But be careful and don’t use anything with a strong scent or one you have never used before to avoid an adverse reaction.

Steamer: Traveling with dresses and suits crammed in a bag can cause unwanted wrinkles. Having a handheld steamer will quickly and easily get rid of them.

Deodorant or Fresh body wipes: If it’s hot out you may find yourself needing to freshen up.

Tissues: Because, you know, it’s a wedding. But seriously, these can come in handy for blotting away sweat and excess makeup as well.
Some other things to keep in your day-of kit are clear nail polish, lip gloss, lipstick, makeup sponges, snacks, water, chargers, bobby pins, fabric adhesive strips, mini sewing kit, hairspray, floss, and tampons/pads.

To find out more about how we can help you plan your big day, contact us or schedule a free 30-minute consult so we can find out more details. Your day deserves to be one you will remember, so let’s make it happen together!

Learn more about our wedding services here.